Opperman, J. J., K. Lohse, C. Brooks, N. M. Kelly and A. M. Merenlender. 2005. Influence of watershed-scale land use on salmonid spawning habitat in a Mediterranean-climate basin, California. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 62: 2740-2751

Kelly, M., B. Allen-Diaz, and N. Kobzina. 2005. Digitization of a historic dataset: the Wieslander California vegetation type mapping project. Madroño 52(3):191-201

Sun, W, M. Kelly, and P. Gong. 2005. Separation of dead tree crowns from the oak woodland forest mosaic by integrating spatial information. GeoCarto International 20(2): 15-20

McPherson, B. A. D. L. Wood, P. Švihra, A. J. Storer, N. M. Kelly and R. B. Standiford. 2005. Sudden oak death in California: Disease progression in oaks and tanoaks. Forest Ecology and Management 213(1-3): 71-89

Kearns, F. R., N. M. Kelly, J. L. Carter, and V. Resh. 2005. A method for the use of landscape metrics in freshwater research and management. Landscape Ecology 20(1): 113-125

Guo, Q., M. Kelly, and C. Graham. 2005. Support vector machines for predicting distribution of Sudden Oak Death in California. Ecological Modeling 182(1): 75-90