Peña-Barragan, J. M., J. Torres-Sánchez, A. I. de Castro, M. Kelly, and F. López-Granados. 2013. Generating weed maps in early-season maize fields by using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and object-based image analysis.  PLOS One 8(10): e77151

Pennypacker, C.R., M.K. Jakubowski, M. Kelly, M. Lampton, C. Schmidt, S. Stephens, and R. Tripp. 2013. FUEGO—Fire Urgency Estimator in Geosynchronous Orbit—A proposed early-warning fire detection system. Remote Sensing 5(10): 5173-5192

Ferranto, S., L. Huntsinger, C. Getz, W. Stewart, G. Nakamura, and M. Kelly. 2013. Management without borders? A survey of landowner practices and attitudes towards cross- boundary cooperation.  Society and Natural Resources 26(9): 1082-1100. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2013.779343

Jakubowski, M. J., W. Li, Q. Guo, and M. Kelly. 2013. Delineating individual trees from lidar data: a comparison of vector- and raster-based segmentation approaches. Remote Sensing, 5: 4163-4186

Jones-Smith, J. C., M. Wharton, M. Kelly, E. Kersten, A. Karter, N. Adler, D. Schillinger, H. Moffett, and B. A. Laraia. 2013. Obesity and the food environment: income and ethnicity differences among people with diabetes, the Diabetes Study of Northern California (DISTANCE). Diabetes Care 36: 2697-2705

Schile, L. K. Byrd, L. Windham-Meyers, and M. Kelly. 2013. Accounting for plant litter in remote sensing based estimates of carbon flux in wetlands. Remote Sensing Letters 4:6, 542-551

Jakubowski, M. Q. Guo, B. Collins, S. Stephens, and M. Kelly. 2013. Prediction of fuel models and stand structure metrics using lidar and optical remote sensing in dense mixed conifer forest. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 79(1): 37-50 (ASPRS Award*)

Brown, G., M. Kelly and D. Whital. 2013. Which “public”? Sampling effects in public participation GIS (PPGIS) and Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) systems for public lands management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Environment  57(2): 190- 214. doi:

Jakubowski, M. K., Q. Guo, and M. Kelly. 2013. Tradeoffs between lidar pulse density and forest measurement accuracy. Remote Sensing of Environment 130: 245-253