A personal note: "Berkeley class recalls integration 41 years later"

The only tenuous connection to mapping in this story is that it was in Mrs. Room's class I first fell in love with maps. She had us do an elaborate field mapping project in the school's gardens with hula hoops and such, in kindergarten. One day I will find the result and scan it.

This article from SF Chronicle is about our recent reunion at John Muir School in Berkeley.

Forty-one years ago, in the early days of forced integration, a small group of Berkeley schoolchildren were placed in an experimental class and held together from kindergarten through third grade with the same teacher. On Sunday, they came back to see each other again - and to reminisce about what they saw as an idyllic time. Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/04/10/BAP91ITSUD.DTL#ixzz1JFTvtD7e