Geo Work Group
/hi, starting thursday at 4 in the GIIF, we're trying to start up a weekly "geo work-group". it's still open as to what that means so come this thursday if you want to help decide. the basic idea is that we have a lot of people around here with diverse knowledge and skillsets so this will be a venue to share the knowledge and (to quote maggi) "develop a community of practice". potential happenings are: 1. people bring GIS/RS related projects they want some insight on and get help from appropriate people. 2. a large group project that will lead to a poster or paper. 3. short presentations or how-to's focused on the more technical aspects of software and what not. etc. so bring any ideas to the giif 4pm thursday. and to sweeten the deal, casey will give a demo on how to find the extents of a shapefile using a python script.